Sanitary devices of

Health cover for offices

Accidents at work can happen at any time and adequate health coverage is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of staff. However, many companies face difficulties in accessing quality private health services, which can affect prompt attention in critical situations.

At Emergentes 24 Group, we are proud to present our solution for companies wishing to provide private health cover for their staff in the event of accidents at work.We have developed a completely free service that covers the management of documentation with insurers, allowing companies to have a fast and efficient medical care in emergency situations.

inside services


Management of the emergency for office work

Highly qualified professionals prepared for critical situations

Facing difficulties, catastrophes and serious accidents requires a highly trained team. That is why we highlight our Health Intervention Group (G.I.S), a team of highly qualified professionals prepared to respond to critical situations. Our experts are trained to coordinate and act quickly in the event of occupational emergencies, ensuring appropriate medical care for each situation.

Rapid intervention vehicle and specialised equipment

We offer efficient management of incidents and accidents on a private basis, ensuring a fast and effective response.

Ensuring the safety and well-being of staff

At Emergentes 24 Group, we understand the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of staff in the workplace. For this reason, we offer companies our experience and resources to provide quality healthcare coverage free of charge. Our objective is to provide the necessary medical care in cases of accidents at work, ensuring a quick and effective response to preserve the health and life of workers.

Don't hesitate to contact us for more information about our Free Business Health Cover service!We are committed to providing the best medical care to your staff in emergency work situations.Your safety and well-being are our priority.


Exclusive Benefits

Our history is woven with a deep passion for healthcare and a commitment to making quality healthcare available to everyone, 24 hours a day. We were born out of the shared concern of a group of healthcare professionals who believed strongly in the need to provide reliable, effective and affordable healthcare, no matter the time or place.

At Grupo Emergentes 24, our passion is the health and well-being of people.We are a company specialising in emergencies and foreseeable risk medical devices. With our unwavering commitment we have built a reputation as a leader in our field.

Ease of Use

Intuitive and easy to implement solutions.

Demonstrable Professionalism

Recognised experience on the island.

Comprehensive Emergency Management

From training to immediate response.

Speed of Service

We avoid tedious and unnecessary intermediaries.

Exclusive GIS Figure

It distinguishes and enriches our services.


Our App

What are you waiting for to try our revolutionary app?

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Frequently asked questions