Sanitary devices of

Ambulance services

In today's world, the need for emergency health care is a reality that no one can foresee, but we must all be prepared to deal with it. Whether it's an accident on the road, a sudden health problem or a serious situation abroad, health emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere.

At Grupo Emergentes 24, we understand the importance of providing quick responses and effective solutions in emergency health situations.We are more than just an ambulance company; we are a team dedicated to safeguarding lives and offering peace of mind in the most critical moments.

Our air ambulance services offer a complete solution for medical repatriations and urgent evacuations, ensuring the safety and care of patients at all times.



Repatriation medical air


Medical Aircraft

We offer medical aircraft equipped with state-of-the-art technology and designed to ensure the comfort and stability of patients during the flight.

Medical aircraft are the safest and most efficient choice for international medical repatriations and urgent evacuations, allowing fast and safe transport.

Specialised Medical Equipment

We have a highly qualified and experienced medical team of doctors, nurses and emergency medical technicians specialised in medical repatriation.

Our staff is prepared to deal with any kind of medical emergency during the flight and provide intensive medical care according to the patient's needs.


State-of-the-art equipment

Our aircraft are equipped with state-of-the-art electro-medical equipment, including respirators, defibrillator monitors, advanced life support equipment and other devices essential for in-flight medical care. We ensure that all equipment is in top condition and is regularly monitored by our specialised technical staff.

Land Coordination

We offer a comprehensive and quality-accredited service that covers the entire process of transporting patients in air ambulances, from collection at the place of origin to delivery at the destination.

Our coordination team takes care of all logistical aspects, including flight scheduling, coordination with destination hospitals and airport authorities, and the management of international flight permits.



Frequently asked questions